Exercise: Anonymous functions for the accordion

Exercise: Anonymous functions for the accordion

Now that we understand how to use anonymous functions, let's transform our accordion code to use them:

Here is the current code inside the index.js file:

//Select the accordion header
const accordionHeader = document.querySelector(".accordion .accordion-header");

//Add event listener and handler to it
accordionHeader.addEventListener("click", toggleAccordionContent);

//Defined a function for toggling the accordion content
function toggleAccordionContent(){
    const accordion = document.querySelector(".accordion");

As you can see, it is currently using a named function for the event handler.

The Exercise

Replace the toggleAccordionContent function with an anonymous function.

The solution


Don't read it yet :P


//Select the accordion header
const accordionHeader = document.querySelector(".accordion .accordion-header");

//Add event listener and handler to it
accordionHeader.addEventListener("click", function(){
    const accordion = document.querySelector(".accordion");

In the next lesson, we will learn how to create an off-canvas menu using the same techniques real fast.