Challenge: Convert a simple "for" loop to use a forEach method

Challenge: Convert a simple "for" loop to use a forEach method

We are back to our boring "Output unsafe passwords to the web page" project again 🙈

I promise this is the last time we will work on this project. Once we understand NodeLists in the next lesson, we will work on real-world projects.

Anyway, download the project files and open them up in your code editor:

Next, if you open up the index.js file, we are currently outputting the unsafe passwords using a "for" loop:

let unsafePasswords = [

//Select the parent element
const olElement = document.querySelector("#unsafe-passwords");

for(let i = 0; i < unsafePasswords.length; i++){
    const liElement = document.createElement("li");
    liElement.textContent = unsafePasswords[i];

Your job is simple. Replace the "for" loop with a "forEach" loop.

Come on, go ahead. I hate laziness 😅

The Solution

let unsafePasswords = [

//Select the parent element
const olElement = document.querySelector("#unsafe-passwords");

    const liElement = document.createElement("li");
    liElement.textContent = unsafePassword;

Easy enough, right?

And as promised, we will understand NodeLists in the next lesson.